Colour of the year: Ochre Gold

painted wall ochre gold flexa
 couple of weeks ago I got the opportunity to give a workshop with the new Flexa colours of 2016 at the Meet The Blogger Conference. The workshop was about creating a graphic artwork with tape and your favourite colour palette. It was so much fun and I was very impressed by the result of all the participants! You can read about it here. During the workshop, we also used the colour of the year “Ochre Gold“, a very warm and strong colour that combines perfectly with light pastels or even dark earthy colours.
Again I had the great opportunity to work with Flexa. This time they asked me If I wanted to use Ochre Gold in my home, and so I did! I was already busy changing our bedroom so this was the perfect moment to give it a complete new look! After collecting and considering a lot of ideas, I decided to paint halve of the wall in Ochre Gold and finish it with a small yellow line.




I’m so happy with the result! It gives our bedroom a warm glow and I think it’s a perfect match with our teak furniture & green plants! I still have a lot of ideas for some finishing touches of our bedroom like new curtains and some frames on the wall… But for now I’m very excited about his new look!
For more information of the Colour Of The Year 2016, click here!





Pictures by Marij Hessel

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