DIY Memphis Mugs

DIY Memphis mugs

This month, I made a Memphis inspired DIY for Fashionista. I really love the Memphis style from the eighties and I’m not the only one! Lately I see a lot of Memphis design and patterns popping up and translated in a modern way, I’m a big fan! In fact, at Oh Marie! Magazine, there’s a lot more Memphis inspiration to be found this month… Characteristic to the Memphis style are the outspoken patterns, graphic shapes and bold colours. What’s not to love? I decided to test my own graphic skills with this project and give a couple of simple mugs a Memphis make over.

DIY Memphis mugs

This is what you need:

  • White mugs (I bought these at Hema)
  • Porcelain Paint
  • Small brushes
  • An oven

Step 1:

Make sure the mugs are nice and clean. Choose the colours and patterns that you would like to use. There’s a lot of inspiration to be found on Pinterest when you look for Memphis patterns!

Step 2:

Pour the paint onto the mixing pallette. If you don’t have pastels, mix the primary colours with lots of white.

Step 3:

Start painting the patterns onto the mugs with a small & fine brush. Don’t rush it but also don’t be too precise, it doesn’t have to be perfect!

Step 4:

Leave the mugs to dry and then put them into a cool oven. Let the over heat up to 150 degrees and turn it off after 45 minutes. Leave the mugs in the oven until it’s cooled down. Now your mugs are don and even dishwasher proof!

DIY Memphis mokken

diy verf palet

memphis style

DIY Memphis style

DIY Memphis

Photography: Marij Hessel

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