My first Woven Wall Hanging!

woven wall hanging

For those who follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that I did a hand weaving workshop together with two of my friends. The shop where the workshop was hold is called “Handmade Heaven” and is based in Amsterdam. The talented girl Nom, who gave us the workshop, teached us the basics of weaving and helped us to create our personal woven wall hanging. I must say it takes some time and patience but the result is worth it! You can use all kinds of different yarns, colours & patterns so when you get the hang of it, you can create the most beautiful weavings! Nom kept telling us “this is your first one so don’t be to hard on yourself!”. I think my first wall hanging turned out pretty cute and I decided to hang it in our guestroom. If you’re interested in following a workshop like this, pay a visit to!

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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