Styling with an Autumn Bouquet for Vtwonen

I was very flattered when Vtwonen asked me a couple of weeks ago if I wanted to blog for them. I’m very excited to tell you that I will be blogging about greens, one of my favourite topics to blog about! Now I have another excuse to come home with some new plants once in a while…

My first blog is about styling an autumn bouquet. I picked out these beautiful branches at the gardening centre because they are a perfect fit for this time of year. You can style these branches in many ways, I decided to show you three settings with different vases. I collected many of my vases and divided them into three groups, you can see what a difference these vases can make! You can read the article (in Dutch) for Vtwonen here.

The glass vases are almost non-excisting and therefor not distracting from the shape and colours of the branches. It’s almost as if the branches are floating.

When you only use white vases, it doesn’t really matter which shape they have or if they’re vintage or modern design. The colour white makes them easily blend in with each other. I think the white makes the whole setting more fresh & modern.

During my trips to the thrift shop, I often stumble upon retro vases that I just can’t resist taking home with me. For this setting I collected some vases in brown shades with different patterns & shapes. These vintage vases really bring out the warm colours of the branches even more so I think it’s a great match!

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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