Tropical plants for vtwonen

As you may know I’m blogging about the possibilities of greens every week for vtwonen. If you are a plant addict like myself, you know that the possibilities are endless so it’s a great topic to blog about! I wanted to share these pictures with you that I made of tropical plants in my living room. I used the bottom part of our pink sideboard (it comes in two separate parts which is very handy) for this setting because it combines beautifully with the tropical plants! For the plants I used some vintage pottery, you can never have too much flower pots right?

Tropical plants are very easy to maintain and they don’t need a lot of water. You do have to make sure that the soil is always a little moist and the best place to keep them is in a light, warm space but not in direct sunlight. Unfortunately, these beautiful plants only bloom once so make sure you put them in a prominent place to enjoy the flowers while you can!

Read more about my love for green on vtwonen or follow this Botanic Pinterest board!

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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