Our Christmas Home 2015

Today my holiday officially started and I was very ready for some relaxation and slowing down a bit! I really love this time of the year and as always I’m enjoying my two weeks off. Every year I have lots of plans…. “The things I will do, make and finish in my holiday!!”. Well you might recognize this, only one third of those plans will come through most of the time and I think this year won’t be any different! I’ve decided, not tot be to hard on myself. After all, holidays are about being lazy and having fun right? I hope you will enjoy some lazy moments as well the next couple of days!

For now I’ll share with you our Christmas home! Every year I add some new ornaments to my collection. I love the cacti ornaments from the Dutch brand &Klevering. In the smaller tree there are some diy ornaments that I made with plaster, paint and glitters. If you have any questions about things I used in my home, just leave a comment and I’ll try to respond as soon as I can. If it’s taking a little longer, I might be busy doing nothing…

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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