Urban Jungle Bloggers: Plants & Flowers

For this month’s UJB theme “Plants & Flowers” I was a little delayed but that’s the great thing about this community, it’s ok!! This weekend I found the time to visit the garden center in my home town where they always have new plants and flowers that I haven’t see before. When I’m shopping for plants, I never leave uninspired! This theme brought out a whole new sense of creativity for me and when I was just looking at the results of other Urban Jungle Bloggers, I feel like I’m not the only one, it all looks so great!

My intention was to only get some flowers because I already have enough plants at home… It may not surprise you that I came home with a couple of new plants as well! I especially loved the flower shaped succulent called Echeveria, isn’t it beautiful? The second plant I bought because of the intense dark red colour. This one is called Sienna Sunset Peperomia Schumi Red (I decided to look at the names from now on).

When I got to the flower section, there were a lot of autumnal flowers and branches so it was hard to pick just a few! I chose the black berries, the kale flowers and an artichoke. The shapes and structures of these plants & flowers are fascinating and together they make a beautiful colour palette!


Pictures by Marij Hessel

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