DIY Flowerpots for Vtwonen

I made these diy flowerpots for my latest Vtwonen blog after being inspired by a couple of similar ideas on Pinterest. I still had some paint left from the Flexa workshop that I gave in October at the Meet The Blogger event and I decided to use it for this project. The terracotta flowerpots I bought at Ikea some time ago because I loved the design and shape, they were perfect for this diy!

With tape I created a graphic pattern on two of the three flowerpots and filled it in with yellow and mint green. For the best result I did the painting part twice but it didn’t take too much time because the (wall) paint dried up quickly! For the third pot I made a template of half a circle and used it to draw the pattern on the pot with a pencil. After that I used a small paintbrush to fill in the pattern. I’m very happy with these updated flowerpots that are now on one of my favourite thrifted drawers!

As you can see, my cat Def, was not that excited as I was! He still wanted to be in the picture though…

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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