DIY Hanging Tray for vtwonen

diy hanging tray vtwonen

As you may now, I’m a vtwonen blogger for a while now. Two times a month I write about greens and I love doing it! I’m very happy that vtwonen is working with bloggers more and more, it’s such a great platform! When vtwonen asked me if I would like to make a couple of DIY videos with greens for them, I was very excited! I love to work on DIY projects and I love greens so I didn’t have to think twice… In one day we shot four videos and there was much more to it than I thought, it was very interesting to see this creative team get to work. During my holiday I got to see the result of the first video and I was very pleased. Maybe you have already seen some of the videos when I shared them on social media, if not, here are some pictures I made afterwards and off course the video as well! I would love to know what you think!

diy hanging tray vtwonen


– A metal or wooden tray

– Sturdy rope

– Scissors

– Wooden beads in two different sizes

– Flowerpots & plants


Cut of three equally long pieces of rope, take the three endings and make a loop by making a knot.


Thread the beads on the rope. First the smaller ones, then the bigger ones.


Make a knot at the other end of the three ropes and hang up the loop onto a hook on your ceiling.


Place the tray in the middle of the three ropes and divide the ropes evenly over the tray. Make sure the beads are resting on top of the tray.


Place you flowerpots with plants onto the hanging tray and you’re done!

diy hanging tray vtwonen

diy hanging tray vtwonen

In this video you can see the complete DIY and me in action! I hope you like it and maybe even make one yourself!

Photography: Marij Hessel

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