Diy Instagram frames for Fashionista

diy instagram frames

The latest issue of Fashionista magazine is all about Social Media and I contributed to this issue with a Diy project combined with some of my favourite Instagram pictures! Don’t you think some of your Instagram pictures deserve a spot on your wall? I thought it would be cool to have a couple of colourful Instagram frames with nice personal memories on my wall. Take a look!

This is what you need:

– Wood (I used Plywood)

– A selection of your favourite Instagram pictures, printed

– Sanding paper

– A ruler

– A pencil with eraser

– Paint

– Small brushes

– Superglue

– Small frame hangers

– A hammer & little nails

Step 1:

Make a selection of your favourite Instagram pictures and use an app or website of your choice for these pictures to be printed. There are many apps & sites to choose from! I used the website ViaMartine for my prints and they turned out really nice!

Step 2:

Go to your local hardware store and let them saw three different sizes for the wooden frames. I used the sizes 10×12 cm, 12×14 cm & 14×16 cm. Use sanding paper to make sure the edges are smooth.

diy frames

diy ig frames

Step 3:

Now you can draw different graphic shapes and patterns on the wooden frames with a pencil. Paint the patterns in the colours that you like an leave it to dry. You can easily remove the pencil stripes with an eraser.

Step 4:

Attach the polaroids to the wooden frames with superglue. Don’t use too much glue because it could give stains.

Step 5:

Turn around the frames and place them on a towel. Place the frame hanger in de the middle and secure it with the small nails and hammer. Now you can find a nice spot in your home and make a mini exposition of your framed Instagram favourites!


diy instagram

diy fashionista


diy instagram frames

Photography: Marij Hessel

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