Working for Flexa : Making a moodboard

Flexa Denim Drift

About 2 weeks ago I told you the exciting news about the project I’ve been working on for Flexa together with bloggers Souraya & Wimke… We each got the chance to design our own inspiration room for the Flexa stand on the vtwonen & designbeurs using the trendcolours of Flexa for 2017 with off course the Colour Of The Year “Denim Drift”! A very cool project to work on and I enjoyed it so much! In the last week of September the vtwonen & designbeurs took place, unfortunately I couldn’t be there because I was traveling to Tokyo for work (poor me!). Despite the fact that I couldn’t be there, I received a lot of very nice and sweet reactions to my “Retro Jungle” room on the Flexa stand (thanks for that!). And so did Souraya and Wimke! Flexa was even in the top 3 of the best stands on the vtwonen & designbeurs, how amazing is that?! Earlier I showed you the video that Souraya made about the process of making my moodboard and design for the room. I will tell you more about this design process in this blog!

Flexa Denim Drift


For this project, Flexa asked us to really show our own individual style. For every stylist or blogger, a dream come true! We received the measurements of the rooms, a wide selection of Flexa colours to choose from & a box full of colour testers (Kleurtesters) which I wrote about earlier (click). The possibilities were endless! Off course one must was using the Colour Of The Year “Denim Drift”. Like probably anyone else, I started with collecting inspiration for my design. I get a lot of inspiration from thrift stores (re-using furnitures & accessories), magazines, books about retro design and not to forget, Pinterest and Instagram. Over the years, I’ve gotten to know my own personal style pretty good and a couple of elements will always come back in my styling projects (fresh colours, greens, vintage & diy projects). Making a moodboard is something I really enjoy doing and it’s sort of a natural process where you have to listen to your intuition. So that’s what I did!

Flexa Denim Drift


I tried out a lot of the testers to see the colours in real life and my colour palette started to grow… It turned out, Denim Drift is an easy colour to combine! During this whole project, I was surprised over and over again about the versatility of this colour! For my colour palette, I combined Denim Drift with Retro Vibe, Oldtimer Rally, Early Dew, Fresh Linen & Sweet Desire.

Flexa Denim Drift


For this design, I wanted to combine vintage & retro items with a lot of greens to create a botanical seating. A place to relax, read a book or magazine, drink some tea (or coffee) and get inspired! I had a lot of ideas and wanted to use them all! I have a hard time making choices sometimes 😉 Luckily it was possible to use a lot of my ideas for this room and I started working out the plan. A lot of painting had to be done on some furniture and on a lot of flowerpots! But I enjoy painting, it’s kind of relaxing actually… A lot of preparations needed to be done so it was a busy month, but oh so worth it! The next step was realising my design on the Flexa stand, I couldn’t wait! In my next blog you will see me working on my design so stay tuned!

Flexa Denim Drift

Flexa Denim Drift

Photography: Souraya from Binti Home

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