Working for Flexa: Styling & Decorating

Flexa Denim Drift

In my previous blogpost I told you more about the project for Flexa that I’ve been working on and the process of making my design and moodboard. After all the preparations I did at home, it was time to start with the realization of my design on the Flexa stand. I arrived at the stand with lots of paint and tools and I was ready to get started! At first it’s a little bit difficult to imagine your design in an empty room, where to start? But step by step I came closer to the final result… I started with measuring out the graphic parts that I wanted to paint on the walls of the room. I wanted to use a couple of different shapes on the wall to show the possibilities of using different colours in one (small) room. Working with graphic shapes on the wall gives a very playful effect! I also created a painted frame around the window in Denim Drift. When you create a frame around a window, you kind of create a live painting on your wall. It was quite some work to get all those different shapes on the wall but it was exactly the statement that I was looking for! In this video, you can see me working on the inspiration room, take a look!

Flexa Denim Drift

Flexa Denim Drift

After painting the walls, the basis of the room was ready. Now it was time to start with another fun part: the decorating & styling! Naturally I wanted to use a lot of vintage furniture & accessories in this “Retro jungle” room so I took some things with me from home (and off course from my attic)! At the thrift store I found some very pretty vintage books to use for decoration, I love those beautiful old covers… My favorite pillows from home came with me, some retro ceramics and the botanical stills that I made together with my friend & photographer Lotte Bruning were framed (more about this later on the blog). A big part of styling this room was working with greens. I wanted to use a lot of plants to create my Retro Jungle. A big help were the people from Green Lifestyle Store, they provided me with lots of plants in different shapes and sizes like the Banana Plant, the Monstera, the Pilea, the Pachira and several cacti and succulents. They looked so pretty in the painted flowerpots!

Flexa Denim Drift

Flexa Denim Drift

Flexa Denim Drift

Styling & finetuning this room was such a pleasure to do because I saw the ideas that were in my head and on paper really come to life. The fact that it was a small room was not a problem at all, maybe that even made it a little bit easier? For now I’m just showing you some detail shots, in the next blog I will show you the final result of the”Retro Jungle” room!

Flexa Denim Drift



Photography by Souraya from Binti Home & Marij Hessel

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