Cleaning up with Brabantia


Blogging about a garbage can? Well yeah, if it looks like this AND helps to make the world a little bit cleaner and better, I’m all for it! Brabantia is supporting the campaign called “The Ocean Cleanup” to get rid of as much plastic garbage that is floating around in the ocean as possible (and it’s a lot). Through this campaign, new technologies are developed to rid the worlds oceans of plastic. By purchasing a newIcons pedal bin you support The Ocean Cleanup campaign at the same time! And that’s not all… These bins are not only pretty, they’re also made for 40% out of recycled materials. After using the newIcons, you can re-use 98% of the pedal bin and the packaging. Now that’s what I call taking a step towards sustainability! You can find more info about the newIcons and the campaign here. Personally I think it’s nice to have a beautifully designed product in your home that also has a nice story behind it. In this case, making the world a little bit better step by step. And as you probably know, I’m all about recycling and re-using stuff! I think it’s great that a brand like Brabantia is taking a statement with this product, let’s hope more & more brands and companies will follow! Besides the fact that I love the story behind this product, off course I love the look of it as well!


I picked out the Moss Green pedal bin because, well, I like pretty much love everything in green! We actually never really had a pretty bin so it’s the first time we’re showing off a trash can in our kitchen which is right next to our little dining area. I think the color fits perfectly in out kitchen together with some plants, hints of ochre and the mint triangle on the wall. It sort of just blends in with the rest. While styling these pictures I added the rug underneath our dining table. I think I’m keeping it this way because it makes this corner much more cosy! That’s the fun thing about styling an photographing at home, very often you get inspired to change it all up. Often it turns out even better…




Photography: Marij Hessel

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