DIY Geo Lamp

DIY geo lamp

DIY geo lamp

It’s time for a new DIY! If you’re looking for a special and unique lamp but you can’t seem to find one? Why not make one yourself? When I finished this project I was pretty proud of myself because the lamp was actually working šŸ˜‰ I’m not very technical but with the help of the internet, I managed to figure it out. It’s actually not that difficult so don’t be put off by the technical part. You can customize this lamp exactly the way you like it. Pick your own colour for the cord, choose a nice fitting and a striking light bulb to finish it of. I found everything at Snoerboer except for the wooden beads. Now let me tell you how to get started!

DIY geo lamp


– Iron cord

– Light bulb (I used this one)

– Fitting (I used this one)

– Plug

– Voltage tester

– Wood drill

– Sanding paper

– Paint & brushes

DIY geo lamp


Collect some different wooden shapes, look for them i the building bucket of your niece or nephew or find them at the thrift shop! Use an old piece of wood as a subsurface and drill holes in the middle of the wooden shapes. Make sure the holes are wide enough for the iron cord to go through. Use some sanding paper to remove splinters.


Paint the wooden beads in your favorite colors. I used Oltimer Rally (Flexa), Early Dew (Flexa)Ā and Ochre.

DIY geo lamp


Attach the plug at the end of the iron cord. I you’re not sure how (like me), you can find a lot of instructions on the internet or instruction movies on Youtube (like this one)!


Think about in which order you’d like the wooden beads to be and thread the wooden beads onto the cord.

DIY geo lamp

DIY geo lamp


Attach the fitting onto the cord. You can find some really helpful videos for this as well on Youtube (like this one)!


Now the only thing left for you to do is placeĀ the light bulb into the fitting and check if everything works. If it does, pat yourself on the back and reward yourself with something sweet… Then hang your lamp on a hook on the ceiling or on the wall. Congrats, you made yourself a lamp!

DIY geo lamp

DIY geo lamp

Photography: Marij Hessel

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