Exploring Tokyo (part two)


If you’ve read my previous post about my trip to Tokyo, you’ve seen that we spend our time wisely and luckily had some extra time to explore the city. On the same day that we visited Shimo-Kitazawa, we also payed a visit to the popular Yoyogi Park, a place where the locals come to spend their free time, have a picknick with the family, work out, play games, make music, walk their dogs, or even get married! I think you can spend at least a day in Yoyogi Park without getting bored… We started our day with a walk around the beautiful park and watched al the dogs (some of them were all dressed up) running around and play with each other. In the middle of the park we saw a couple posing for their wedding pictures!




After enjoying the Yoyogi Park, we payed a visit to a little food truck festival combined with a vintage market in the centre of Tokyo. You can compare it with a food or vintage market in The Netherlands but it was a little bit more low key which I liked! I enjoyed walking around on the market watching the Japanese products, food, plants and vintage clothing & accessories. The market had a good vibe and the Japanese people are so kind and polite in general, you feel right at home!







Every day except on Sundays you can visit the famous “Tsukiji Market”, a gigantic fishmarket which starts really early in the morning. One morning we decided to pay a visit to this well known market as well. They say you should visit the market around 5.30 in the morning to see the auction and the dealers buy and sell their fish. But combined with a little jetlag, we decided that it would be better to be there a little less early. It was fun to see the busy market! We came by a stall with lots of very pretty ceramics… It was only cash and unfortunately we didn’t have enough which still bothers me a little bit… Anyway, it was very cool to see some other parts of Tokyo next to all the shopping we did! I was a good trip & Tokyo treated us well!




Photography: Marij Hessel

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