Vintage Makeover

vintage secretaire

Upcycling vintage furniture is one of my favourite things to do! I does take some time and patience but it also really calms me down and working with my hands is such a nice alternative from working on the computer… I also love to see the transformation that these vintage pieces make and the idea of giving them a second life makes me happy! There’s so much good stuff out there, why not recycle it?!

For Biano I wrote a blog about this vintage makeover. I mostly only show you the result, not the process. This time I thought it would be nice to show you how I work and maybe inspire you to do something similar! I found this secretary while thrifting, it was a bit damaged so I wasn’t sure what to do with it. But it was too good not to take it home with me! After a while, I decided painting it would be the best option. But painting the whole thing would be a waste because that vintage look would be gone…

vintage secretaire

That’s why I decided to paint only the damaged part of the secretary in a peachy pink (subtle red by Flexa). First I filled up the holes with a wood filler, removed the doors and then I sanded the part that I wanted to paint. After cleaning the secretary, I used tape to protect the parts that I didn’t want to paint. Preparation really is half of the work!

Now it was time for the part I like the most, painting! Off course I started with a primer and after it was completely dry, I sanded it once more. Now finally I could add some pink to this piece! I used two layers of paint, removed the tape and left it to dry for a night.

vintage secretaire

vintage secretaire

After putting back the doors I could finally see the result and I liked it a lot! I think it’s vintage with a twist… I had some fun styling the upcycled secretary and created a little home office. I already saw myself working here but I quickly had to forget about it because this one was going into the shop! In the meantime, this secretary is sold to the sister of a close friend and I’m sure she will take good care of it! It’s a good thing the attic is full of items that need some upcycling so I won’t be bored very soon…

vintage secretaire

vintage secretaire

vintage secretaire

vintage secretaire

Photography: Marij Hessel

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