Working with Denim Drift for Flexa



I’m very excited to finally tell you about the project I’ve been working on for the last couple of weeks! Flexa asked me and two other talented bloggers (Binti Home & Wimke Tolsma) to create a design for an inspiration room at the Flexa stand at this year’s vtwonen & Designbeurs… What a dream come true because this project allowed us to really show our own individual style! Off course we worked with the Flexa colour palette and the Colour of the Year “Denim Drift“. I made a design for a botanical seating with my favorite colour palette. You can see the result right now at the vtwonen & Designbeurs, go and have a look & let me know what you think! I will tell you more about this project very soon… In this next video, you can see how I worked on this project & what inspired me! The video is made by the lovely Sourraya of the blog Binti Home.

Thanks for making this video Sourraya, thanks Green Lifestyle Store for helping me with your beautiful greens & off course a big thanks to Flexa for this awesome collaboration!


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