Christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

Ok, Christmas is already here in a couple of days… Like every year, I have a huge unfinished To Do List and every year I think I can do a lot of things in a short period of time… Unfortunately, this is never the case and every year I try to accept it is just not possible to do it all! You would think after all this time I would know better but every year Christmas is suddenly there, and I’m not prepared! All the diy’s & Christmas decorations I was planning to make, the many blogs I would write, the Christmas cookies I would bake, the original gifts I would buy oh and off course do some Christmas shopping and find a fabulous dress on sale! Yes I would do it all!!

Well, I didn’t and I guess there will always be something else you wanted to do or make that you just don’t have the time for. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one with this “problem”! But actually it’s really not a problem isn’t it? Because life isn’t about being perfect and doing it all… What’s more important is that you enjoy the things that you do and be in that moment at that time, not thinking about your “to do” list! Did I really have to do all those things? Well I guess you’re getting my point, I’m still learning not to be too hard on myself and not trying to do it all… It’s simply not possible! So this time I’m cheating a bit by showing you some green Christmas inspiration that I made last year and this year for vtwonen. It’s all about decorating with greens in a pretty easy way. So if you have some Christmas greens laying around, maybe I can help you with these Christmas decorations ideas? And if you feel like doing nothing at all, then just do that!

I wish you all a very warm and cosy Christmas & let’s all try to be a little kinder to ourselves (and others off course)!!

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

christmas decorations with greens

Click here for more Christmas inspiration!

Styling & photography: Marij Hessel

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