Diy Golden Vases

diy golden vases

Since it’s the most festive time of the year, and gold is a pretty popular colour right now, I thought it would be nice to share this diy project with you! It’s probably not something you’ve never seen before but I just love the way you can turn something so ordinairy into something very pretty, just by using spray paint! It might be the reason why I started doing diy projects in the first place! I remember I spray painted complete chiars for a graduation project years and years ago… Ever since, I’m hooked! I must admit, for this diy project, I drove back and forth to the hardware store two times because I kept picking the wrong metallic spray paint. You have to get the shiny one, look at the result, now that’s what I call gold! I combined the golden vases with some fresh greens and a dark blue background to create a vibrant colour palette. I really like this combination, especially this thime of the year!

diy golden vases



– Several glass vases (I got mine at the thrift store for almost nothing!)

– Paper

– Tape

– Metallic gold spray paint

– Pretty greens or flowers



Collect some glass vases at the thrift store in different shapes and sizes, take them home and give them a good clean.


Tear strips of paper and place them around  a couple of vases, fasten with tape. The torn paper gives a very nice effect together with the spray paint!



Use tape to partly cover up some vases. Spray paint the vases in gold metallic, use several thin layers to make sure that the paint won’t start to drip.


Leave them to dry and then remove the paper and the tape. Your golden vases are done! Time to do some styling…


Photography: Marij Hessel

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