Hotspot Koffie Leute Utrecht

Koffie Leute Utrecht

This weekend I visited one of my favorite city’s Utrecht for some hotspots! I started at this new & awesome coffee bar called “Koffie Leute“. It’s housed at “Druk“, a place where different creative entrepreneurs have established their unique company. You can follow workshops at Urlaub, borrow an outfit at “De Kledingbibliotheek“, buy organic soap at “Werfzeep” and learn all about the perfect cup of coffee (or just enjoy one) at Koffie Leute! What a great place! The interior of this coffee bar is a mixture of vintage finds and fun oddities which create a homely atmosphere. I think I’ve said enough, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves! Definitely a place that I want to visit again!

Pictures by Marij Hessel

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