IKEA Hack Cat Hammock

IKEA hack

Today I’m sharing my third IKEA Hack that I made for International Cat Day. Although this day was a few weeks ago, I think it could be Cat Day anytime you like! It’s always fun to spoil your cats once in a while. After all, they give you a lot of love and cuddles right? On Pinterest, I saw a cat lying in a hammock once and I thought it would be great to make one myself! For this cat hammock I used the sidetable of the TILFALLE collection and the fabric SOMMAR 2016 (I love this pattern!). Again, Def was very helpful and had no problem testing out the hammock when it was finished, in fact, he has spend quite some time in it!

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

Step 1:

Measure out how long and how wide you want the hammock to be. Keep in mind that you don’t want the hammock to be too loose because there will be a cat in it and you don’t want it to touch the floor… When you have the right measurements, cut out the fabric.

IKEA hack

Step 2:

Fold the longest sides for about 2 cm and stitch it so the hammock is neatly finished.

IKEA hack

Step 3:

Stitch a tunnel on the two shortest sides of the fabric, make sure the tunnel is wide enough for the sticks.

IKEA hack

Step 4:

Remove the sticks from the sidetable an put them into the tunnels. Now place the sticks back onto the sidetable and fasten them. Now your cat hammock is done and you can lure your cat into the hammock and see if he likes it! How could he not?!

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

Photography: Marij Hessel

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