Ikea hack for cats: a new hangout spot

IKEA hack

And last but not least… My fourth and last Ikea Hack for cats that I made! This cat hangout is pretty simple but your cat will be super stylish in his new hang out spot! Because Def is very often sleeping on top of our built-in fridge, and I don’t like all his hairs in this particular place, I decided to make him his own hang out spot above the fridge! For this Ikea hack for cats I used this module from the Ikea PS collection from 2014, off course in one of my favourite colours: mint! As you can see, Def is very interested in new places to sleep or just to chill out. That’s what keeps the life of a cat exciting right? If you want to see all four Ikea hacks made by me, go here and here!

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

Step 1:

First I (or actually my love) measured out three points to decide where the holes should be.

IKEA hack

Step 2:

Then we made three holes with a wood drill.

IKEA hack

Step 3:

Once you’ve made the holes, you decided where te module should be hanging and use a spirit level to make sure it’s hanging straight. With a pencil or a screw, you can make marks on the wall by pushing the screw through the holes. Now you know exactly where to drill the holes in the wall.

IKEA hack

Step 4:

Drill the holes in the wall and hang up the module. Make it extra comfy with a little pillow or plait and show the new hang out spot to your cats!

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

IKEA hack

Photography: Marij Hessel

2 replies on “Ikea hack for cats: a new hangout spot

  • Esther

    Ik kwam deze foto tegen op pinterest en was gelijk enthousiast! Kattenmeubels zijn nooit erg mooi, maar onze kat wil wel heel graag bij het raam zitten.
    We hebben een Ps kastje gevonden op maketplaats en hij staat nu, na een likje verf, klaar om opgehangen te worden voor onze kater. Ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat!


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